CSE276A - Introduction to Robotics

w. Henrik I Christensen


Date Week Topic Corke Quiz Assignm
Sep 26 1 Introduction to Robotics Chapter 1    
Oct 1 2 Robot Operating Systems  
Oct 3 2 Space and Time Chapter 2+3    
Oct 8 3 Mobile Robotics / Test system for class Chapter 4
Oct 10 3 Sensing / GNSS    
Oct 15 4 Images Chapters 10   A1: Basic motion
Oct 17 4 Image Processing Chap 12 and 13  
Oct 22 5 Visual Servoing Chapter 15
Oct 24 5 Kalman Filtering SLAM Chapter 6  
Oct 29 6 Localization Chapter 6   A2: Closed loop
Nov 4 7 KALMAN / SLAM    
Nov 6 7 Graphical SLAM
Nov 14 8 Planning - Geometry / Sampling based methods A3: Localization
Nov 19 8 Grasping & Hands Chapter 8  
Nov 21 9 Human Robot Interaction  
Nov 26 10 Architectures A4: Planning
Nov 28 9 No lecture - Thanksgiving
Dec 3 11 Robot Ethics    
Dec 5 11 Wrap-up     A5: Coverage Robot