Topics in Robotics
Professor: Henrik I Christensen, Office hours: by appointment
This is a seminar graduate class so a minimum of formal requirements are assumed beyond an ability to engage.
Emailing about the class:
If you email me, please be sure to use "CSE290" in the subject line, automatically done by clicking this link:
Class Goals
The desired learning outcomes for the students are:
- To gain an understanding of present research, development and emerging topics in robotics from industry and academic leaders
- Seminars will involve both local (from UCSD/San Diego) people and remote/in-person lecturers from outside UCSD.
Students taking the class for credit a required to write up a summary of most (more than 70%) lectures and hand in the summaries through canvas. The summaries are due within a week of the seminar.
One credit requires a one page summary. Two credits requires a two page summary
Assignments: 100% - The class is S/U and each class summary will receive a graded classification, with feedback. If the final score is above 70 the class is a pass.